Pilot project for the socio-economic promotion of environmental sustainability and protection, including the enhancement of biodiversity in a marginal oasis in south-west Tunisia

International Cooperation Project

3 years (2018-2021, extention 2022)


The project, funded by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS), is promoted by the Non-Governmental Organization, Persone Come Noi (PCN), and its local counterpart, Appui aux Initiatives de Développement (AID).

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and resilience of the populations of the Tunisian Saharan Oases in a participatory and replicable way.

The specific objective is to enhance the potential of the El Hamma oasis by promoting its sustainable and inclusive development through the strengthening of producer associations and their participation. This includes the protection of biodiversity, the increase of agricultural productivity, and the promotion of traditional handicrafts and opportunities for tourism.  

The project includes the following activities: Implementation of training sessions for managers/members and staff of GDAs (Groupements de Développement Agricole); Establishment of permanent collaboration between GDAs, local authorities and CRDAs; Strengthening GDAs through endowments; Signing of a GDA/Administration protocol for active protection of biodiversity and activation of the procedure for defining annual municipal and regional development plans; Improvement of water distribution network in plots through GDAs; Cleaning and fertilization of plots and census of those not cultivated, especially for migrants and youth; Training in the cultivation of fodder, vegetables and fruit trees; Creation of a cooperative for the marketing of products; Creation of an inventory of the natural, historical and artistic heritage; Preparation of a tourist circuit; Recovery of traditional handicrafts in fibre with interdisciplinary training and inclusion of producers in the marketing cooperative; Creation of a tourist information point and sale of local products; the creation of a registered trademark El Hamma. 

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